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Last update : 22/10/24 16:32

Goodday Bonjour Salut Hello Hi Hola Hallo Servus Moïen !

pdfTo start with these pages were in August 2010 a simple DIN A4 page I had written for my radio-oncologue Dr Dirk Burie from the cancer radiotherapy Centre Baclesse in Esch-sur-Alzette (Hôpital Emile Mayrisch) with some of the basic ingredients I used to do my first fruit & vegetable mixes or cocktails because I couldn't eat normally after the radio-chemo therapy started in March 2010.

Having found great pleasure to take pictures from the ingredients from our garden and fresh fruit and vegetables I bought to do my now so-called "smoothies", I started to do what Idid best during the last years as a web designer : I made an internet site with my "cocktail experiments" :

Following this page, I completed this internet site with other niceties that cheered me up, such as photos of our garden or of our cats, quotations I like, a blog about "Gott und die Welt" as topics...

Finally, I decided to redo my old "painting pages" (still under construction ;)

But, I let you discover by yourself my musing and amusement during the last 4 years of cancer survival.

Hope you have fun ! I did !-)

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• You can explore the different sections of this web site by using the dropdown menu at the upper right corner of each page.

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N.b: I have protected certain sections of this site because some of the content I didn't want to be accessible to the all web. Friends received their login data, should you forget them, no problem, click the password forgotten link, your user name and password will be sent to your emai address.

Dernière mise à jour: 20.04.2014


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